Thursday, November 21, 2013

The No-Fat Revolution created a Sugar Addicted World

I am not a scientist or a chronologist, but I have seen the way of the world, and people are slow to move in the direction of health.  The reality of this is not that people are largely lazy and stupid, it's that understanding what healthy means has been largely confusing.  Decades ago, it became popular to make an enemy of fat as a food quality on a label, no matter the brand of fat.  Trans fats are linked directly to heart disease, which is the #1 killer of women in America.  There are saturated fats, which should be avoided whenever possible, and then there are the good fats (mono and polyunsaturated).  Some good fats are essential parts of our diet.  Regardless of what your walk of life is, you probably understand "fats" and what they mean to your health.  What you likely don't understand is that looking at a label for fats, calories, and carbs, and rendering something adequate on that wavelength alone is risky business.

SUGAR is the real enemy.  Type 2 Diabetes is steadily on the rise.  Obesity amongst children is at an all time high.  Many people try gimmicky diets and workouts and get no where and then give up.  9 out of 10 health foods on the market are low in calories, carbs, and fat, but are loaded with sugar.  Those who don't list sugar as a direct ingredient often want you to believe that the sugar listed in the nutritional information box is all natural from fruits that are in your supplement, while they disguise the word sugar with titles like "evaporated cane juice" or "corn syrup" etc.  You may see 0 grams of  sugar on the label and see none of the aforementioned culprits in disguise and think you are safe, only to find when you look close in your ingredients, that you have these guys:

  • Methanol
  • Glycol
  • Glycerol
  • Erthritol
  • Threitol
  • Arabitol
  • Xylitol
  • Ribitol
  • Mannitol
  • Sorbitol
  • Galactitol
  • Fucitol
  • Iditol
  • Inositol
  • Volemitol
  • Isomalt
  • Maltitoland
  • Lactitol

This list is a compilation of some of the most popular sugar alcohols used in todays food.  They are especially present in Fitness Supplements, Sugar Free gum, and effectively most processed things you eat.  How can one remember all of these names in their ingredients?  You probably can't, except for the fact that most of them end in "tol."  Let that be your first red flag.  Why is this so important?

It is essential that we get our sugars from complex/natural sources and do everything we can to get away from simple sugars and artificial sweeteners.  The reason is that sugar is toxic to our body.  If you are trying to get fit, and you have a body full of sugar, you will always be burning sugars in the gym instead of burning fat.  You get curious about why you are not getting the results you want and it can get frustrating.  Sugar is a big factor.  A diet high in sugar was never part of the plan until everything needed to taste like candy in order to eat it.

I am not a doctor or a dietician, but that next time you are around one, ask them how a diet high in sugar leads to obesity.  Their explanation will likely sound a bit smarter than mine, but we'll be on the same page. 

If you want some healthy eating tips or fitness help, please email me at  


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