Solutions... Solutions... Solutions...
Life is all about overcoming various obstacles, whether large or small, to beat the odds and accomplish whatever it is that you consider success. Many times all that stands between you and what you want is how bad you want it and how much merit you are willing to give to your excuses. There are various stories about the human will to push past what they thought was previously possible. I can not give you that inspiration through a single blog post, but I can give you some great first step realizations that you can identify with.
"The Gym near my house has no classes I like and I can not afford to pay the monthly membership"
That may all be true. You might hate your gym's old school class schedule and they might charge you a top rate membership to go to their dumpy place. Let me tell you all about how you need 4 square feet in your garage or living room to get a fantastic workout. PLYOGA can give you that and so can various other very reputable fitness programs. Every fitness movement can be modified so there is no truth to the point that you can not participate in these programs. I encourage every single one of you to truly understand yourselves and really take a deep look as to what is holding you back inside of your head. The gap between where you are and where you want to be is the decision to start on your journey. "Your Body is Power." You better believe that this includes your mind.
"I have injuries (bad foot, knee etc) that prevent me from getting back in shape"
Injuries do prevent you from doing certain high intensity movements. High intensity movements are not the only way to get fit though. With that being said, you can do everything that is involved in a high intensity workout except those things that involve your compromised joint or bone or ligament. Often times, people think that the first step to getting back in shape is running. January 1 is when you see everyone out there in the cold jogging along their neighborhood with their new resolution. Running is not the only gateway to fitness. Running is highly demanding on the body and requires you to strengthen certain aspects of your core and your legs before you can adequately get out there without risking injury. Cardiovascular exercise is usually the first level of attack to anyone with a new fitness resolution. Almost every recent fitness study shows that quick muscle confusing weight resistance workouts are the pinnacle to fat burn and athletic versatility. Do 1 of 2 things while you heal. 1. Nurture your body with healthy nutrition and call me (732) 691-9559 or email me at for suggestions. 2. Nurture your body with healthy nutrition and look up ways to use full body core workouts.
" I am too tired after work to get in a workout"
Most people do not realize this, but I will give you a guarantee that you are too tired to do anything after work because you DO NOT get exercise. Your blood flow, the chemicals in your brain that create happiness, your metabolism, and your immune system rely heavily on you creating a way to put your body in motion. It is hard work for those first 7 days or so to try to get yourself mustering up that energy that is not there. Trust me. It will not be long before you feel as though you need your workout to get through the day, rather than in spite of getting through the day. You can do it!
"I'm getting on a diet in January"
A diet is a program that is set up to help you eat a lot of the same foods you currently eat, but just in moderation. You usually have to buy pre-portioned meals or cut something that plays a significant role in your long term health goals. Don't choose a new diet, choose a new eating lifestyle. A diet is a short term solution. An eating lifestyle is long term solution. Adopt something that you can live with forever. I will tell you that adopting a new eating lifestyle is a progression just like a new exercise program. You can not go out and do jump knee tucks if you have never even done high knees. With a similar frame of mind, you can not go from eating fast food, fried foods, and soda as your beverage to all organic, unsweetened food with water, without feeling discouraged. Take it in moderation and make your transition deliberate and achievable. Do not let too drastic and quick changes destroy the path to your goals.
"These fitness and health journey's are lonely. My friends don't respect my goals"
There are other transitions to being healthy. Its funny, I have found that when you get married you lose 1/2 of your friends. Then, when you start having kids, you lose 1/2 of the remaining friends. Whenever you make major changes to you lifestyle, you need to align those changes with people who accept them and are willing to understand.
People are always teasing me because I don't want my chicken cutlet fried or I won't let my young child eat junk etc.. I promise you that you are on the high road and you just need to remember that. Just like anything, people that share your same objectives are out there. The fitness community is huge and strong and there to support you. Often, fitness people are more exciting friends too. They are the kind of people who like to do adventurous things because they have the energy to take these routes. Never feel isolated with your objectives. There are 2 ways to make sure you hit your goals whether in fitness, business or in life.
1. Write down your goals and the timeline that you have in mind for achieving them. It puts a visual understanding in your head (and you head is your only enemy)
2. Tell lots of people about your journey. When you tell people, you are now accountable to them. You may say, "I don't care about what other people think about me," but sometimes your journey matters to people. Many people share the same worries or obstacles and you are a beacon of hope for them. Fitness is all about helping others, and when you find that you can use your journey to inspire others, you stay accountable to you as well.